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New Listings in Ruisseau Pinel, Montréal

New Listings in Ruisseau Pinel, Montréal

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Pinel Creek

Pinel Creek is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec, which is located in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.


Moving around by car is very easy in this neighbourhood. It is very convenient to park, and most real estate listings are a reasonably short drive from the nearest highway. On the other hand, commuting by public transit is occasionally challenging in Pinel Creek. Nevertheless, there are a few bus lines passing through the neighbourhood, and most homes are very close to a bus stop. Pinel Creek is quite bike-friendly. However, Pinel Creek is not very convenient for walking since daily errands are challenging to run without needing to resort to a car.


Secondary schools and daycares are easy to reach on foot from most houses for sale in Pinel Creek. On the other hand, there are no primary schools in this neighbourhood. With respect to food, a portion of residents in Pinel Creek may have the option to purchase their groceries on foot, while others will have to rely on a vehicle.


People who prefer a calm ambience will enjoy Pinel Creek. Greenery is reasonably prominent in this area as there are numerous tree-lined streets. There are approximately 30 public green spaces close by for residents to check out, such as Parc-Nature de la Pointe-aux-Prairies, which makes it very easy to access them. The noise levels in this part of the city are also quite low, as the streets tend to be reasonably tranquil - however noise can be problematic close to the railway line.


In Pinel Creek, most buildings are single detached homes, while townhouses are also present in the housing stock. This part of Montréal is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. About 85% of the dwellings in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners whereas the remainder are rented. Roughly one quarter of homes in this neighbourhood were constructed in the 1980s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1960s.