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New Listings in Pointe-Louise, Montréal

New Listings in Pointe-Louise, Montréal

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Pointe Louise

Pointe Louise is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec, which is situated in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.


Pointe Louise is very car friendly. Parking is easy. However, this part of Montréal is not very transit friendly. It is very impractical for pedestrians to navigate this neighbourhood since common errands are very challenging to run on foot. On the other hand, Pointe Louise is reasonably conducive to cycling.


Pointe Louise does not contain any high schools or primary schools. Furthermore, there are only a very small number of daycares and consequently they can be a very long walk away. With regards to food, in all cases, a vehicle is needed to buy groceries.


Pointe Louise is a wonderful neighbourhood to buy a house in for those who prefer a calm environment. This area is very quiet overall, as there are generally low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, this neighbourhood also features a very large amount of greenery as numerous tree-lined streets are prominent. Green spaces are very well-distributed and there are a few of them close by for residents to unwind in, resulting in them being very easy to get to from most locations in Pointe Louise.


Single detached homes are the predominant housing type, representing the majority of dwellings in Pointe Louise, and the remainder are mainly small apartment buildings. Around 30% of properties in this neighbourhood were built between 1980 and 1990, while most of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1960s. This part of the city is primarily composed of three bedroom and two bedroom homes. There are equal parts owners and renters living in this neighbourhood.