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New Listings in Pointe Théoret, Montréal

New Listings in Pointe Théoret, Montréal

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Pointe Théoret

Situated within the Greater Montreal metropolitan area, Pointe Théoret is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec.


Pointe Théoret is very car friendly. It is very convenient to park. It is very inconvenient for people travelling on foot to navigate this area since common amenities such as post offices or banks can be an extended walk away. The bike is a rather limited method of transportation in Pointe Théoret as the cycling infrastructure is quite bad, and bicycling is rendered difficult by the typically hilly terrain.


This part of the city does not have any high schools or primary schools. In addition, parents may find it very hard for their children to get to daycares as a pedestrian. In terms of eating, home buyers in this part of the city almost always have to rely on a car to access the closest supermarket.


The character of Pointe Théoret is exemplified by its calm ambience. This area features a very large amount of greenery as the tree canopy coverage for the majority of streets is excellent. The majority of locations in the neighbourhood have reasonably good access to parks, like Parc-Nature du Cap-Saint-Jacques, since there are a few of them close by for residents to enjoy. This neighbourhood is also wonderful for those who need a quiet atmosphere, as there are low levels of noise from traffic.


About three quarters of the dwellings in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners while the remainder are rented. In this neighbourhood, about 70% of buildings are single detached homes, but small apartment buildings are also present in the housing stock. This part of the city experienced its largest construction boom in the 1960s and 1970s, so most of the available properties are from this time period. This part of Montréal is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes.