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New Listings in Halpern, Montréal

New Listings in Halpern, Montréal

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Part of the Greater Montreal metropolitan area, Halpern is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec.


Commuting by car is very convenient in Halpern. It is very easy to find a parking spot, and most real estate listings are a very short drive from the closest highway, such as Autoroute Félix-Leclerc. In contrast, the public transit system in Halpern is rather poor. Thankfully, there are a few bus lines passing through the neighbourhood, and bus stops are typically nearby. Bicycling is challenging in Halpern since the cycling infrastructure is not very extensive. Nevertheless, cyclists do not encounter significant hills. Halpern is also not very convenient for walking as running common errands is impractical.


In Halpern, parents and their children will often be able to get to daycares by walking. However, this area does not have any primary schools or high schools. When it comes to food, it is very rarely an option for house buyers in Halpern to do grocery shopping by walking. Residents benefit from a few restaurants and coffee shops.


There are a lot of green spaces to enjoy in Halpern. To be more precise, parks, including Parc-Nature du Bois-de-Liesse, are very well-situated and there are about 10 of them close by for residents to visit, resulting in them being easy to access from most locations in Halpern. Despite the abundance of parks, the tree canopy coverage for the majority of streets is fairly bad. Lastly, it is relatively quiet in this area, due to the presence of very few pedestrians.


Single detached homes and townhouses are the main housing type in Halpern. This part of Montréal experienced its most significant building boom after the year 2000, so most of the available housing is from this time period. This part of the city is primarily composed of three bedroom and two bedroom homes. Homeowners occupy nearly 90% of the properties in Halpern and 10% are occupied by renters.