1.98 acres of flat land designated for IL(light-industrial) use. Two street access from front from 96 Avenue and back from 97 Avenue. 2356 sf recently renovated house with 4 beds and 2 full baths & 2 bedroom separate rental suites. There are two other old sheds in the back of the property. There is a lot of potential to use this land as is while you wait for development. There are a few T.U.P. (temporary use permits) on the same street within a couple of blocks for material storage and truck parks. This property is situated in a very central area with easy access to multiple highways Hwy-1, Hwy-17, Hwy 15, and Golden Ears Way. Don't wait just drive by the area and see what is going on in the area for development. (30717293)
Property Type
Single Family
Annual Property Taxes
$12,752.45 (CAD)
Time on REALTOR.ca
6 days
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