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Put Yourself on Portland! Development Opportunity with Interim Income! Superbly located just 4 blocks from the Ferry Terminal and surrounded by new shops and developments. King's Wharf is a couple blocks away. People want to live, eat, drink, socialize and stroll along the waterways in Downtown Dartmouth. These lots combine to allow about a 5000 sq ft footprint, full lot coverage, zero parking required (although possible). DD zoning is quite friendly and with commercial on the main level should allow a minimum of 24 residential units, some with a view of the Harbour. While preparing, the 3 unit building affords some income to cover some costs. I recently sold a property 1/3 this size for over a million dollars on the same block. You should check on this one! Aerial video labelled virt tour/ multi media. (230143970)
Downtown Dartmouth, between Victoria and Wentworth
Time on
26 days
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