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New Listings in Olympic Park, Montréal

New Listings in Olympic Park, Montréal

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Olympic Park

Olympic Park is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec, which is located in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.


Regardless of the mode of transportation, it is very easy to get around in Olympic Park. This part of the city benefits from a very good public transit system as a result of Viau Station with access to the Green Line, and a few nearby bus lines. Olympic Park is also a fairly pleasant part of Montréal for pedestrians; running daily errands is easy, and various businesses are quite close by. This part of the city is very bicycling-friendly because the cycling network is excellent.


Both general and specialty grocery stores are usually accessible within a short walk from most homes for sale in Olympic Park. Likewise, this area is a fairly good place in which to eat out. When it comes to education, schools and daycares are convenient to get to on foot from anywhere in this part of the city.


Despite the somewhat busy feel, there are a lot of green spaces to enjoy in Olympic Park. To be more precise, public green spaces, like Parc Maisonneuve, are especially well-situated and there are a few of them nearby for residents to discover, which makes it very easy to reach them from most locations within this neighbourhood. Lastly, this neighbourhood is relatively quiet, since there are few people out and about on the streets; however.