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New Listings in Marché Central, Montréal

New Listings in Marché Central, Montréal

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Marché Central

The neighbourhood of Marché Central can be found in the city of Montréal, Quebec, which is situated in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.


This part of Montréal will please homeowners that use different modes of transportation. Owing to Gare Chabanel with access to the Saint-Jérôme Line, and a few nearby bus lines, this part of the city is very transit friendly. This part of Montréal will also draw physically active house buyers as it is conducive to those who travel by foot; most common errands can be run on foot, and plenty of businesses are quite close by. Although the area is quite flat, it is challenging to commute by bicycle in Marché Central since there are very few bike lanes.


It is especially convenient to get to both a general and a specialty grocery store on foot from most houses for sale in this area. Additionally, those who appreciate eating in restaurants or cafes will have a good number of opportunities in this area. It is also a very short distance to an excellent choice of clothing stores. Regarding education, daycares and schools are straightforward to get to on foot from most houses for sale in this part of Montréal.


There are a lot of green spaces to enjoy in Marché Central, as well as some areas with a vibrant atmosphere. To be more specific, although this part of the city is not home to any parks, public green spaces are especially well-spread out in nearby neighbourhoods, making them easy to reach. However, few tree-lined streets are present. Finally, noise can sometimes be an issue in this area, as traffic can occasionally be loud during busier hours of the day, although there are still several quieter pockets.


In Marché Central, roughly 60% of dwellings are small apartment buildings, whereas the rest are mainly large apartment buildings and duplexes. This neighbourhood offers mainly three bedroom and two bedroom homes. The proportions of renters and homeowners are about even. Roughly one third of homes in this neighbourhood were constructed before the 1960s, while most of the remaining buildings were built in the 1960s and the 1980s.