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New Listings in L'Île-Dorval, L'Île-Dorval

New Listings in L'Île-Dorval, L'Île-Dorval

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Dorval Island

The neighbourhood of Dorval Island is part of the city of L'Île-Dorval, Quebec, which is located in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.


Driving is usually the best means of transportation in Dorval Island. It is very convenient to park. Travelling on foot is not very feasible for house buyers in this part of the city because daily errands are almost impossible to run without needing to use a car. This neighbourhood is also not very bike-friendly because this area has a quite bad cycling infrastructure. Nonetheless, riding is made easier by the generally flat terrain.


There are no high schools and no primary schools in this part of the city. In addition, there are only a very small number of daycares and thus they can be a very long walk away. With respect to eating, in all cases, a vehicle is required to purchase groceries.


Home buyers who prefer a slower-paced atmosphere will enjoy Dorval Island. This part of L'Île-Dorval features much greenery as most streets have very good tree coverage. Although parks aren't well-situated, which makes it very hard to reach them. Despite that, there are a few green spaces close by for residents to enjoy. This neighbourhood is especially quiet overall, as the streets are generally very tranquil.