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New Listings in Parkgate, District of North Vancouver

New Listings in Parkgate, District of North Vancouver

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The neighbourhood of Parkgate is part of the municipality of District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, which is located in the Metro Vancouver metropolitan area.


Driving is very often the preferred method to get around in this neighbourhood. It is very easy to park. In contrast, the public transit system in this part of the municipality is not very practical. Thankfully, property owners are served by a few bus lines, and most houses are very close to a bus stop. This part of the municipality is not particularly well-suited for walking because most daily needs are at times challenging to meet without the use of a vehicle. However, travelling by bicycle is very convenient in Parkgate as there are a fair number of bike lanes.


It is usually practical for property owners in Parkgate to do grocery shopping on foot. Furthermore, a coffee shop is often just around the corner, and residents of Parkgate can enjoy a few restaurants as well. Concerning education, in this part of the municipality, families will typically be able to get to primary schools and daycares on foot. In contrast, Parkgate does not contain any high schools.


The character of Parkgate is exemplified by its relaxed atmosphere. Most areas in this neighbourhood are reasonably quiet, as there tend to be low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, there are a few public green spaces close by for residents to visit, like Northlands Golf Course and Parkgate Park, and they are very well-distributed, which makes it very easy to reach them.


About 80% of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners while renters occupy the remainder. In this neighbourhood, many dwellings are small apartment buildings, and the rest are mainly townhouses. This part of the municipality experienced its most significant construction boom between 1990 and 2000, so most of the available housing is from this time period. This neighbourhood also has a variety of unit sizes; although this area is notable for those looking for two bedroom homes.