Westridge Sub, NW location with schools, walking trails and a view all right in your back yard. Over 1500 sq ft on the main with 3 bedrooms and a full basement that is 20% complete, (walls are mud and taped and primed, floor is painted, bathroom has tub and plumbing all set up). The open concept living room and dining area open onto a large coveted rear deck with Gas for the BBQ plumbed in. The front entry is covered too! Premium siding is maintenance free including the handrails and decking. Concrete sidewalks and driveway. This is a premium finished home with 2-5-10 home warranty. Most buyers' quality to "not pay" property transfer tax on this home. (30713790)
Property Type
Single Family
Annual Property Taxes
$3,651.78 (CAD)
Time on REALTOR.ca
7 days
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