Gorgeous licensed restaurant with property in downtown Bloomfield in the heart of Prince Edward County.Ideal opportunity for a restauranteur owner/operator to purchase their own real estate and open up their dream restaurant. Converted from an old bank into a completely modern building with a liquor license of34 + 75 on the gorgeous patio that overlooks Bloomfield on Main St and the main highway that loops through PEC. All new leaseholds, equipment, and systems. Open concept kitchen with bar seating and a10-ft long commercial hood. Retail and cafe area to the side for additional revenue or more seats. **** EXTRAS **** There are 4 walk-in fridge/freezers including a new draft system. 400-amp 1-phase power and excellent signage. Wood burning smoker and tons of equipment, fridges, and more. Current business has a great track record of impressive sales. (36888012)
Annual Property Taxes
$9,075.17 (CAD)
Time on REALTOR.ca
94 days
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