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Thriving country business! Sylvia’s Cafe & General Store has been a well-beloved community fixture for over 30 years. In addition to the store, restaurant and gas service, varied rental accommodation arrangements provide year-round revenue from recreationists and work crews: A full suite above the restaurant with kitchen, bed and bath; charming log cabin with kitchenette and half bath nestled in the woods; tenting & RV campsites; two GNS trailers with dorm units for a total of 20 beds. Wash house & laundromat. The property is suitable for hosting music or other festivals, with a large field, outdoor stage and concession stand. And so many other possibilities besides, including timber sale, facility rental, car wash, motel... just awaiting your vision!! Everything on the property is carefully-maintained and well-managed. Well and septic systems are easily able to service the full business at max capacity. Amazing opportunity and potential in this established business!! * PREC - Personal Real Estate Corporation (35552248)
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94 days
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