Exceptional TO BE BUILT 12 unit multi-family offering located in a developing area in Ottawa. 259 Bradley offers easy access to amenities, public transportation, and major roadways, making it an ideal location for tenants and potential students. With the ongoing development in the area and favorable zoning policy, this property is positioned for significant appreciation and income potential for the years to come. The property’s efficient design helps minimize maintenance costs and maximizes profitability for future owners. Benefits of this design and layout: No sprinkler system, each unit with their own access, no required accessible units, Lower development charges (Approx. $100k+), available parking, regular city garbage collection services, and no severance cash-in lieu required. With the new Zoning By-law amendment, there is potential to add an additional 4 units, to a total of 16 units as basement units will be undeveloped. Status: Pending Committee of adjustment approval (36866127)
Follow directions from HWY 417 E to Vanier PKWY N, turn right into Montreal Rd, North on Park St, Right onto Montfort and then Right onto Bradley Avenue
Property Type
Building Type
Land Size
Unit=66 x 94.74 FT ; 0
Annual Property Taxes
$36,745 (CAD)
Time on REALTOR.ca
131 days
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