R19//Fisher Branch/Family run funeral home with 4800 sq feet on main floor that includes a garage space. Successful business with between 60 and 70 funerals a year. Located in Fisher Branch but services a large area of indigenous communities nearby. Upstairs is rented out on a month to month basis with long standing tenant who would be happy to stay. Upper level is approximately 2000 sq feet of space however some is undeveloped. Floral arrangement room and chapel that seats 125. Metal roof on the building. There is also an additional lot behind the funeral home that would be perfect for a new home to be built if you want to live onsite. 2 public bathrooms on main floor as well as embalming room that is not being used as another funeral home takes care of that service at the moment. Upstairs living quarters consists of 2 bedroom apartment with additional area not being used. Floral room and printing services are also onsite. (229697932)
Building Type
Commercial Mix
Time on REALTOR.ca
142 days
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