Extremely valuable VR (Vehicle Recycling) split zoning property in for sale in Yarrow in the Fraser Valley Regional District. Almost 6 acres on Lumsden Road, the zoning has 3. 7 acres with the highly desirable VR (Vehicle Recycling) and 2.23 acres R3 (Rural). Currently operating as Chilliwack RV Storage, the bulk of the property is suitable for almost any industrial use with a 40' x 93' shop with high ceilings, mezzanine and office, quonset building, and a 768 sq. ft. 2 bedroom suite. The yard is very secure, with a high metal fence with electric wires above. The R3 component has a excellent and solid 4 bedroom home with private acreage living. Call for an NDA, and arrange a showing for this amazing opportunity. * PREC - Personal Real Estate Corporation (35300727)
Time on REALTOR.ca
153 days
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