Located south west of Wiseton are these five parcels of farmland, previously in canola, and currently rented for the 2024 season. Topography is level to gentle slopes, stones none to few. Parcels 1, 2 & 3 form one block, with parcels 2 & 3 being LSDs 2 & 7 -28-26-13-W3, on which there is 19 acres of grass, some shelter belts, and a 3 acre yardsite (SAMA) with various older buildings. SAMA has assessed the two LSDs together at $64,900, with the remaining parcels each individually assessed. Non arable land on the complete package includes slough, trees and draws. SAMA total acres are 516, with 362 cultivated, assessed total value of $426,700, and priced at 1.9x total assessed value for $2237/cultivated acre, and $1,569/title acre. (27750962)
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Time on REALTOR.ca
256 days
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