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434.9-ac. of prime organic agricultural land in the heart of the Cariboo. This gorgeous parcel is perimeter fenced (mostly barbed) & cross-fenced (electric) for rotational grazing & hay production. Combination of pastures & trees offers stunning views all around. Substantial merchantable timber of 40-50yrs standing on the property. Has frost-free waterer fed by a pond. This land has achieved organic certification since 2004. The Seller's animals are all certified by AWA (Animal Welfare Approved) of AGreenerWorld. Looking for organic & natural focused Buyers to continue this stewardship. Located in Horsefly BC renowned for back country sports, spectacular natural scenery & an amazing community. Only 2km from town centre. R/A zoning permits 2-dwellings and a variety of non-residential uses. Most of the property is in the ALR. Large acreage of this size are hard to come about. Superb value for building, farming, or land-banking! Adjacent 320ac also available for sale. *Price subject to applicable GST (34512697)
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342 days
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