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New Listings in George-Vernot Park, Montréal

New Listings in George-Vernot Park, Montréal

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George-Vernot Park

Situated in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area, George-Vernot Park is a neighbourhood within Montréal, Quebec.


No matter the mode of transportation, it is reasonably convenient to move around in this area. Active property owners will value the pedestrian-friendly character of this neighbourhood; carrying out daily needs is very easy by walking, and numerous businesses are reasonably close by. Although there are a limited number of slopes, this neighbourhood is not especially cycling-friendly as the bicycling infrastructure is not very extensive. The public transit service in this part of Montréal is reasonably good. In particular, the neighbourhood is connected by a few bus lines, and most homes are very close to a bus stop. Driving is also a reasonably good transportation option in George-Vernot Park. The majority of houses for sale are a very short car ride from the nearest highway, such as Autoroute Métropolitaine.


Parents and their kids will welcome that no matter where their home is located in this part of Montréal, schools and daycares are close by. Concerning eating, it is usually possible for property owners in this area to purchase general and specialty groceries by walking. Additionally, a restaurant is typically just around the corner, and there are also a few cafes in this neighbourhood. A decent choice of clothing stores can also be found within a rather short walking distance.


Despite the somewhat busy feel, there are a lot of green spaces to enjoy in George-Vernot Park. More specifically, public green spaces are very well-distributed and there are about 10 of them close by for residents to explore, which results in them being very easy to get to from the majority of locations within the neighbourhood. At the same time, there are few tree-lined streets. This part of the city is a good neighbourhood for those who don't mind some noise, as traffic can occasionally be loud during busier hours of the day, although there are still several quieter sections.


In George-Vernot Park, many dwellings are small apartment buildings, while duplexes make up most of the remaining housing stock. This area offers mainly three bedroom and two bedroom homes. Around 70% of the population of this neighbourhood rent their home while the remainder are owners. Around 45% of properties in this part of the city were built in the 1960s and 1970s, while many of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960.