REALTOR® Profile
Working for over a decade as a property manager and more than two decades in customer service and account management roles, Aaron is uniquely positioned to not only understand his clients needs, but to have the real world experience to speak to the quality of the properties that are being considered. When it comes to properties, Aaron's seen it, and Aaron's solved it - and he can help you avoid the costly pitfalls that other realtors may not even know to look for. Aaron's depth of experience allows him to offer a nuanced understanding of the housing landscape in Victoria and to give his clients a well-informed perspective. Whether buying, selling, for yourself or for investment purposes, or simply hoping to have an exploratory conversation - give Aaron a call today, no matter where you're at in the process. There's no obligation and a world of insight to gain.
Additional Qualifications
Property Management
Residential Property Management
Residential Development
Residential Relocation
Trading Areas
Central Saanich,Colwood,Esquimalt,Gulf Islands,Highlands,Langford,Malahat,Metchosin,North Saanich,Oak Bay,Saanich East,Saanich West,Sidney,Sooke,Victoria,View Royal,