REALTOR® Profile
Originating from the beautiful city of Québec, father of two beautiful daughters. I am a retired military Air Traffic Controller. I've held my broker's licence since 1966. I was co-founder of the networking section of business people BNI , Les Bâtisseurs du Saguenay (Business Network International) in 2003 and member for more than 10 years. My passions: fishing, reading, television series, travelling, hockey, automobile , and finally, martial arts which I have been practicing for many years.
Additional Qualifications
Trading Areas
Saguenay (Chicoutimi),Saguenay (Jonquière),Saguenay (La Baie),Saguenay (Canton Tremblay),Saguenay (Lac-Kénogami),Saguenay (Laterrière)