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Dorothy is your friendly Filipino Realtor in Edmonton. She came from the Philippines, an archipelago of beautiful islands in South-East Asia. She speaks Bisaya, her local dialect. She’s also fluent in Hiligaynon (another dialect) and Tagalog, the country’s national language. She took a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Community Development from the University of the Philippines. Dorothy specializes in residential properties located in Edmonton and surrounding areas. In a world full of Top Edmonton Realtors, she's the one who will help you find the perfect home for your family. If you are looking for Edmonton homes for sale, Dorothy Cornel is your experienced Edmonton Filipino Realtor who knows her stuff and speaks Tagalog so you have come to the right place! Whether you're just starting or have been looking for years, she will ensure that your needs are always first and foremost as she works with you to find your dream home.
Additional Qualifications
Tagalog (Filipino)